How to use Google Tag manager

What Is A Tag?

A tag is a piece of code (JavaScript) that is used to collect data about visitors to a website. This data can be used to track how visitors interact with the website, what pages they visit, and what actions they take. When creating or managing tags through Google Tag Manager, you need not worry about the underlying code. Just set them up through the interface provided and you are done.

Google Tag Manager makes 3 kinds of distinctions between tags

Pre-made Tags – These are tags readily available in Google Tag Manager. Examples of pre-made tags are Google Analytics (both 4 as well as Universal Analytics), Google Ads, LinkedIn Insights, Pinterest, and many more.

Community Templates – Google Tag Manager also has a large community of developers centered around it, constantly working to make it better. Such developers create numerous tags that aren’t already available in GTM, and such tags are available in the Community Templates section. Facebook Pixel, Amazon, etc. are examples of community templates.

Custom Tags – In case the tag you are looking for is not available in Pre-made or Community Templates, you may directly enter the tag code through this section.

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