Google Tag Manager

Google Tag Manager is a free tool that allows you to manage your website’s (and mobile app’s) tags in one place. Almost every website uses tracking codes, aka tags, for various ad management and performance monitoring applications. Some examples of such applications are Google Analytics, Google Ads, Facebook (Pixel), and more. Through these tags, your website sends data to linked applications; those, in turn, help you measure the performance of your website and related ads.

Before Tag Manager, digital marketers and developers would have to manually insert tags into a website, by directly editing the source code or through the CMS admin interface. This could be a tedious task since a number of tags would have to be placed in the source code of numerous (sometimes all) pages. Also, setting up the codes manually needs time and coding expertise. Tag Manager, on the other hand, offers an easy-to-use interface to set and manage all your tags in one place. These days, the use of Google Tag Manager is considered to be one of the best SEO practices.

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